05 December 2013

Appropriate Prepositions

Abide by (rules), in (place):Students should abide (obey) by  the rules of the school.His uncle abides (live)in London.
Abstain from : we should abstain (refrain) from smoking.
Abound with , in : Our rivers abound (full of) with fishes. Fishes abound (exist plentifully) in our river.
Absent from : He was absent(not present) from school.
Accused of:He was accused(convicted) of theft.
Accustomed to: I am accustomed (used) to such a life.
Acquainted with:I am acquainted(familiar) with him.
Acquit (one) of: I acquit you of the charge.
Accompanied by: He went to Dhaka accompanied(with) by his father.
According to :He worked according(in harmony with) to my advice.
Access to: We have access(entrance) to the office.
Adapted to (one’s ability), for (a purpose), from (the original): The work is not adapted to (fit for) my abilities. This story is adapted for (collected for) school boys from a story of Rabindranath.
Add to: Add this to that.
Addicted to: He is addicted to wine.(habituated to evil things)
Adept in: He is adept(proficient) in music.
Adequate to: This amount is adequate(sufficient) to our wants.
Adhere to:  I still adhere(stick) to my plan.
Adjacent to:  His house is adjacent(close/near) to mine.
Adjourned to: The meeting was adjourned (put off) to Sunday next.
Admit of (excuse): Your conduct admits of (fit for) no excuse.
Admit (one) to, into (a place, class etc.): He was admitted into(take in) the room. He was admitted to(enroll) class viii.
Advantage of (to take), over (to gain): He took advantage of my absence to steal my book. He gained advantage over me in the business.
Advantageous to: The new rule is advantageous to us.
Adverse to: Your plan is adverse to our interests.
Affection for; Affectionate to, towards: He has affection for me. He is affectionate to/ towards me.
Affix to/on: Affix (attach) this stamp to the letter.
Afflicted with (a disease), at (mourn): He is afflicted with (suffering from) gout. She is afflicted at the death of her son.
Afraid of: I am afraid (frightened) of him. He is afraid of doing this.
Agree with (a person), on (a point), to (a proposal): I agree(consent) with you on this point. A agree with what you say. I agree to your proposal.
Agreeable to:  The climate of this place is agreeable to me.
Aim at: He aimed at the flying bird.
Akin to: My feeling for him is akin(same) to pity.
Alarmed at, by (news/message), for (safety): We are alarmed (known to)at the news. He is alarmed (frightened) for my safety.
Alien to, Alianated form: Such rudeness is alien (unfamiliar) to his nature. He has been alienated (separated) from his friend.
Alive to, with: I am alive to (conscious of) my danger. The river is alive (প্রাণবন্ত) with boats.
Alliance or Allied with, to: England has formed an alliance (মিত্রতা) with France. It is allied with (united with) France. The thing is allied to (of the same nature as) that.
Allot to: Fifty shares were allotted to me.
Allude to: He alluded (referred) to the story in the speech.
Aloof from: Keep aloof (away) from such friends.
Alternate with, Alternative to: Light alternates with darkness. The question is alternative to that.
Amaze at: I am amazed (overwhelmed with wonder) at your conduct.
Ambition for, Ambitious of: I have no ambition for fame. I am not ambitious of fame.
Amenable to: He is not amenable to reason.
Amount to: Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.
Amused at, by, with: I am amused at/by/with your story.
Angry with (a person), for(having done something), at, about (a thing): He is angry with me for my having done this. He is angry at/about my failure.
Annex to: Annex (add) this slip to the letter.
Annoyed with (person), for (doing something), at (a thing): He was annoyed (displeased) at my conduct.
Answer to, for: Answer to (reply or respond to) the roll-call. This place answers to (agrees with) the description given in the book. You must answer for (explain) your conduct.
Antipathy to, against : I have an antipathy (strong dislike) to smoking, but not against/to him.
Anxious about, for: I am anxious (uneasy) about the result. I am anxious for (earnestly desirous of) the prize.
Apologise to (a person), for (redress), against (decision): I appealed to him for help. I shall appeal against your decision.
Appear in, before, to: We shall appear in (set for an exam) the S.S.C Exam. The man appeared (presented publicly) before the court. It appears (seems) to me that he is innocent.
Appetite for: I have no appetite(hunger) for food.
Apply to, for: I applied the Headmaster for leave.
Appointed to (a post): He was appointed (employed) to the post.
Apposition to, with: This clause is apposition to /with that clause.
Apprehensive of: I am apprehensive (fearful) of failure.
Apprise of: We were duly apprised (informed) of the event.
Appropriate to: Your remark is not appropriate to (fitting) the occasion.
Apt in, at: He is apt (expert/clever) in mathematics. He is apt at quick figures.
Aptitude for: I have no aptitude (talent) for music.
Ashamed of: I am ashamed of your conduct.
Ask (a thing) of (a person): He asked a loan of me.
Ask (a person) for (a thing): He asked me for a loan.
Ask about, after: He asked about/ after you.
Aspire after, to: I do not aspire after / to a high post. (desire something high)
Aspiration after,for: I have no aspiration for/after riches.
Assent to: I assented (consented) to the proposal.
Assign to: He assigned (allotted) the task to me.
Associated with (a person) in (business): He was associated with you in the plot.
Assured (one) of: He assured me of his help.
Astonished at: I was astonished (surprised) at your courage.
Atone for: You must atone for (make amends) your sin.
Attach to: Attach this slip to the letter.
Attacked by(a person), with (fever): He was attacked by robber on the way. He has been attacked with fever.
Attain to: He attained to (reached) greatness by dint of perseverance.
Attend to, upon, on, at: Attend (listen) to your teacher. I attended upon/on (served/looked after) the patient. We attended at the station for him. (We were waiting)
Attribute to (person): He attributed the loss to me (held me responsible for it).
Authority for, on, of, with, over, to: What is authority for(evidence)such a statement? He is an authority (expert) on education policy. I say this on the authority of the Oxford English Dictionary. He has no authority (personal influence) with/ over his brother. He has no authority (influence) over me. Only the secretary has authority (power) to make payment.
Avenge on: He will avenge himself on you.  ‍(নিজের উপর প্রতিশোধ নেয়া )
Aware of: He was aware (conscious) of the fact.
Bask in (enjoy warmth and light): They were basking in the sun.
Bar to: There is no bar (obstacle) to his trying for the post.
Bare of: The field is bare of (without) grass.
Based on: What he says is based on truth.
Beg (a thing) of (a person): He begged the favor of me. I beg of you to keep quiet.
Beg (a person) for (a thing): He begged me for the favor.
Beg for (a thing) from (a person): He begged for help from me.
Behave towards: Behave kindly towards the poor.
Believe in: Do not believe in his excuses.
Belong to: This book belongs to me.
Beneficial to: Exercise is beneficial to health.
Bent on: He is bent on (determined to) going.
Bequeath to: He bequeathed (left by will) his all to me.
Bereft of: Bereft (deprived) of children he leads a lonely life.
Beset with: He is beset (surrounded) with dangers.
Bestow on: God bestows (give) His blessings on you.
Beware of: Beware (take heed) of the enemy.
Bias against ( a person), towards ( anything ): I have no bias (prejudice) against him. I have no bias towards fairy.
Blessed with, in: He is blessed with (possesses) good health. He is blessed in (happy) his children.
Blind of, in (an eye), to (consequences): He is blind of (or in) both the eyes. He is blind to (indifferent) his son’s faults.
Blush with (shame) at, for, another: He blushed with shame at his own mistake. I shall never give you cause to blush for me.
Boast of: Do not boast of your wealth.
Border on: Your conduct borders on cruelty.
Born of, in: He was born of poor parents. He was born in poverty.
Borrow of/from: I borrowed the amount from him.
Bound for (home), by (contract), in (honor): He is bound for (on the way to) England. I was bound by contract to pay the money. I bound to help you.
Brood on or over: Do not brood (think sorrowfully) so much on/over your misfortune.
Burdened with: He is burdened with a big family.
Burst into (tears), out (laughing): He burst into (suddenly began to cry) tears at the sad news. He burst out (suddenly began to laugh)laughing at my story.
Busy at, in, with, about: He is busy at his desk. He is busy in doing his work. He is busy with his lessons. He is always busy about nothing.
Buy (a thing) of (a person) from (a shop): I bought this thing of him. I bought this pen from his shop.
Capable of: He is not capable of hard work.
Care for, about, (take) care of: He does not care(verb) for me/ wealth. He does not care about the result. He has no care (noun)for me. Take care of your health.
Careful, Careless of/ about: He is careful (or careless) of/about his health.
Cause of (a preceding event) ,for(ground or justification for): What is the cause for your failure? There is no cause for anxiety.
Cautious of: Caution against: He is cautious of giving (careful that he may not give) offence. Take proper caution against malaria. He cautioned me against thieves.
Certain of: Certainty of, about: I am certain of it. There is no certainty of/about it.
Certificate of: I want a certificate of character.
Certify to (one’s character): I certify to his honesty.
Charge (noun) against (a person), of (a thing) : What is the charge against him? He took charge of the whole affair.
Charge (verb) (a person) with (a fault): He was charged with theft.
Charge (verb) (a fault) on (a person): Theft was charged on him.
Charge (a payment) to (a person): Give him one kilogram oil and sugar and charge the price to me.
Cheat of, out of : He was cheated of or out of his dues.
Claim upon or against (a person), to, for (a thing): I have no claim upon/against him. I have no claim to this money. His claim for damage was accepted.
Clear of (blame): Keep clear of (free from) wicked friends.
Cling (stick) to: He clung to me through my troubles.
Close with (verb): He closed with (accepted) the offer.
Clothed with (shame), in (dress): Clothed with shame, he left the place. She was clothed in white.
Clue to: Find out the clue to the mystery.
Coincide with: Your story coincides (agrees) with his.
Comment upon: Comment upon this passage.
Commence on, with: The examination commences on the 5th instant. He commenced his speech with a short prayer.
Commit to: Commit the passage to memory.
Common to: This angle is common to both the triangles.
Communicate (a thing) to (a person): Communicate (give) the information to him.
Communicate with(a person) on (a thing): I shall communicate with him on this matter.
Compare with (like things), to (unlike things): Compare Akbar with Aurangzeb. Anger is compared (likened) to fire.
Compensate (a person) for (his loss), with (a substitute): I compensated him for (to make good) his loss. I compensated the loss with a similar thing.
Competent for: You are not competent (fit) for the post.
Compete with, for: He competed with me for the post.
Complain to (a person), against (another), of a (thing) : He complained to me against you or of your conduct. He complained of headache.
Comply with: He complied with (agreed to) my request.
Composed of: What is water composed (made) of?
Conceal from: I concealed (secret) this from him.
Conceive of: I cannot conceive of  (think of) such cruelty.
Concerned in (a plot), at, about (feel anxiety), for (for a person’s welfare): Five men were concerned (mixed up) in the plot. I am concerned at your failure. I am much concerned about the result. I am much concerned for you.
Concur with (a person) in (his decision) or on (a point): I concur with you in your decision. (or on this point)
Condemn to, for: He was condemned (sentenced) to death for murder.
Condole with (a person) on (his loss): We condoled (sympathized) with him on his loss.
Conducive to: Early rising is conducive (helpful)to health.
Confer on, with (a person) about (a matter): I shall confer (give) a prize on the boy. I shall confer with (consult) about your prayer.
Confess to (a sin), Confession of (weakness): I confess to this weakness. It is a confession of weakness.
Confide in: Confide (tell in confidence) your secret to me.
Confident of: He is confident (hopeful) of success.
Confined in (a room), to (bed): He is confined in jail. He is confined to bed by gout.
Conform with (a person), on (views), to (a rule) (In) Conformity with: I conform (agree) with you on this point. Conform to (follow) our rules.
Confuse with: Don’t confuse (mix up) liberty with license.
Congenial to: This climate is congenial to (favorable) my health.
Congratulate (one) on (one’s success): I congratulate you on your success.
Connected, or Connection with; Connection between (two): I am connected with that paper. He has no connection with me. There is no connection between the two.
Conscious of: I am conscious of (aware) my weakness.
Consideration for, (in) Consideration of: Show some consideration for his youth. In consideration of his youth, he is let off this time.
Consist of, in: My family consists of (contains) six members. True happiness consists in contentment.
Consistent with (agreeing to): Your action is not consistent with your principles.
Conspicuous for, by: He was conspicuous (remarkable) for his memory. He is conspicuous by absence (to attract notice).
Consult with (a person) on/ about (a thing): I consulted with him on or about that matter.
Contact with: I have no contact with him.
Contemporary of (noun), with (adj.) (of the same time): Keats was a contemporary of Shelly. Keats was contemporary with, Shelly.
Contented with: He is contented with a little.
Contiguous to: His house is contiguous (close) to mine.
Contrast (noun) to, between; (In) Contrast with: Your action is a contrast to (or is in contrast with) your profession. There is a great contrast between the two.
Contrast with (verb): Contrast (compare) Maradona with Pele.
Contrary to: You acted contrary to (opposite to) orders.
Contribute to: Contribute (pay) something to this fund.
Control of, over: He has no control of/over himself.
Conversant with: I am conversant (well-acquainted) with the history of the case.
Converse with (a person), on, about (a subject): I shall converse with him on/ about the matter.
Converted to, into: He was converted to Christianity. My joy was converted into sorrow (changed).
Convicted of: The poor boy was convicted of theft. (punished).
Convinced of: I am convinced (satisfied) of your products.
Cope with: I cannot cope with (manage) so much work.
Correspond with (a person) about (a thing), to, with: I shall correspond with (write to) him about the matter. ‘The wings of a bird’ correspond to the ‘arms of a man.’ Your report corresponds (agrees) with his.
Count for, upon: Our advice counts for nothing (i.e is of no effect) with him. I count (depend on) upon your help.
Covetous of: He is covetous (greedy) of wealth.
Crave for: He craves (desires eagerly) for wealth.
Credit to, with: Please, credit the amount to my account. Credit my account with the amount . I credit him with good sense.
Cure (v.) (one) of (disease); a Cure (n.) for (disease): He is cured of his disease. Have you any cure for this disease?
Dawn on: The truth at last dawned on (became clear to) me.
Deaf of an/in one, ear, to (not listen to): He is deaf of an (or in one) ear. He is deaf to entreaty.
Deal in (trade) goods, with a person (behave), with a subject (write or talk about it), by or with a person (treat in a specified way): He deals in rice, but does not deal honestly with his customers. He deals with the subject in his new book. He dealt cruelly by or with me.
Deal out: He dealt out equal justice to all.
Debar from: He was debarred from (prevented) voting.
Decide upon or against: I have not decided upon my plan of action. The case was decided against him.
Dedicate to: He dedicated the book to his mother.
Deduce from: I deduced (inferred) the truth from his remarks.
Defend from, against: I shall defend you from your enemy. I shall defend you against all attacks.
Deficient in: He is deficient (weak) in learning.
Defer to: The discussion was deferred (put off) to the next meeting.
Deliberate upon (discuss): We deliberated long upon (considered) the matter.
Delight in; Delighted at, with: He find delight in books. He is delighted at or with the result. The child is delighted with his toys.
Deliver to, from: Deliver the letter to him. He delivered (saved) me from the trouble.
Demand (a thing) from/of (a person); for (noun): The demanded the amount from/ of me. There is no demand for this book.
Depend upon: You can depend upon my word.
Dependent on: He is dependent on me.
Deprived of: He was deprived of all power.
Derived from: What is derived  (got) from this lengthy text?
Derogate from; Derogatory to: This will derogate from (or this is derogatory to) his honour.
Descent from, Descendant of: The Raj claim to be a descended from (or descendants of) Sri Ramchandra.
Deserving of: His conduct was deserving of praise.
Desire for, of; Desirous of: He has no desire for (or of) wealth. He is not desirous of wealth.
Despair of: He despairs (hopeless) of success.
Destined for,to: He is destined for (or to) do the hard job.
Destitute of: I am destitute (without) of any friend here.
Destructive of, to: Drinking is destructive of or to health.
Detach from: He became detached (separated ) from his friends.
Deter from: He was deterred (prevented) from going there.
Determined on: He is determined on going there.
Detract from: This defect detracts (takes away) from his fame.
Detrimental to: Drinking is detrimental (injurious) to health.
Deviate from: I cannot deviate (go aside) from truth.
Devoid of: Your story is devoid of (without) truth.
Devolve upon, to: The charge of the family devolved (fell) upon me on my father’s death. The property developed upon or to him.
Devote to: Devote some time to say your prayer every day.
Die of (a disease), by (violence or weapon), from (a cause), for (something): He died of cholera; or by poison; or from overwork; for his country.
Differ from, in, with, on, about: This thing differs from (is unlike) that in colour. I differ with (have a different opinion from) you on this point. Men differ in opinion about his conduct.
Difference between; Different from: what is the difference between the two? This thing is different from that one.
Diffident of: I diffident of success (doubtful).
Disappointed at, of, in, with: He was disappointed at your failure. He was disappointed of the prize (i.e. did not get it all). He was disappointed in the prize (i.e. got the prize but it did not satisfy him). I am disappointed with him.
Disagree with one on (a point): I disagreed with him on that point.
Disgrace to: He is a disgrace to his family.
Disgusted with, at, by: I am disgusted with, or by, or at his conduct. He was disgusted with me.
Dislike to, for, of: I have a dislike to (or for) the boy. I cannot shake off my dislike of him.
Dispense with: I dispensed with (do without) his services.
Displeased with (a person) at or by (his conduct): I am displeased with him at or by his conduct.
Dispose of (finish): Let us dispose of our work.
Dispute with(a person) about/on (a matter): I had a dispute with him about (or on) that matte.
Disqualified for (a post), from (competing): He is over-aged, and is disqualified for (or from appearing at) the examination.
Dissent from: I dissent from your views (differ).
Dissimilar to: This thing is dissimilar to that.
Distinct from: These families are distinct from one another.
Distinguish between, from, by: Distinguish between the two. I could distinguish you from him by your dress.
Distrust of: There is reason for your distrust of him.
Divert from, to: The noise diverted (drew away) my attention from the book to the coward.
Divest of: He was divested of all power (all power was taken away from him).
Divided into parts, between or among: It was divided into several parts. Divide the money between the two men present.
Doubtful about/of: There is no doubt about or of him. I am doubtful of his honesty.
Due to: No money is due to me (payable) from him.
Dull of (hearing), at (work): He is dull of hearing. He is dull (slow) at physics.
Dwell in (a place), upon (a subject): He dwells in this house. He dwelt long upon (discuss) the subject.
Eager for, after, about: He is eager for (or after) fame, or about the result.
Easy of: He is easy of access.
Elicit from: I elicited (drew out) the information from him.
Eligible for: He is eligible for the post (qualified).
Emerge from, into: Malaysia has emerged from a poor nation to a rich one. It will emerge into the group of the most economically disciplined countries.
End in: Vice must end (result)  in misery.
Endowed with: She is endowed with (possesses) poetic talents.
Engaged with (a person) on or in (some work); to: I was engaged in conversation with him. He is engaged on books (or, in work). My daughter is engaged (betrothed to) to his son.
Enraged with, at: He is enraged with you for speaking against him. The bear is enraged at is keeper.
Enter into (a room), upon (a career), for (an examination): He entered into the room (also without into). He has entered upon his new role in personnel management. I have entered for the examination.
Entertained by (a person) with (music) at (a party): We were entertained by him with music at the party.
Entitled to: He is entitled to a reward for his honesty.
Entrust with, to: I entrusted the thing to him. I entrusted him with the thing.
Envy of (person); of, at (advantages); Envy of: I have no envy (jealous) of him. I have no at or of his success. I am not envious of his success.
Equal in (rank) with (a person) to (a task); Equally with: I am equal in rank with you. I am not equal to (able to do) the task. He is to blame equally with his brother.
Escape from: There is no escape from death.
Essential to: Health is essential to a success in life.
Exact from: He exacted (drew out) promise from me.
Excel in: He excels in painting.
Exception to; (with the) Exception of: I take exception (object) to your remark. There is no exception to the rule. All were present with the exception of Robin.
Exchange for, with: I often exchanges ideas with him. What will you give me in exchange for this?
Exclude from; Exclusive of: Minors are excluded (kept out of) from the list of voters. The price of the thing is Tk. 103, which is exclusive of delivery costs.
Excuse from, for: I excuse you from attendance. What is excuse for failure?
Exempt from: He was exempt from the flue.
Expect from, of: I did not expect this from or of him.
Expert at, in: He is expert at the flute. He is expert in drawing.
Expose to: Don’t expose it (keep open) to the sun.
Exult over (a person) at, in (his misfortune): He exulted over (rejoice exceedingly) me at or in my misfortune.
Faith in, with: Have faith in God. He broke faith with me.
Faith to: The dog has faith to its master.
False to: I cannot be false (unfaithful) to my friend.
Familiar with, to: I am familiar (intimate) with him. His face is familiar (well known) to me.
Fatal to (destructive): This mistake is fatal to his prospects.
(In) Favour of: He spoke in favour of my selection.
Favourable to, for: His report is favourable to me. This time is favourable for attack.
(The) Favour of; (a) Favourite with or of: He is the favour of his master. Or He is a favourite with/of his master.
Fear (In.) of; (v.) for: He is in fear of his life. He fears for his life.
Fearful, Fearless ,of: He is fearful or fearless of danger.
Feed on, with: Cows feed on grass. Feed the cow with grass.
Feel for (a person) in (his trouble): I feel for you in your trouble.
Fight for (the poor) with or against (the rich): He always fought for the poor with or against the rich.
Fire at, into, upon: He fired at the bird. The police fired into or upon the mob.
Fit for, out, up: You are not fit for the post. The ship was fitted out (equipped) for the voyage. He is fitting up his house for the guests.
Fix in, on, to: The idea became fixed in his mind. He fixed his eyes on me. Fix this stamp to the envelope. The date of the meeting has been fixed up.
Fond of; Fondness for: He is fond of sweets. He has a great fondness for sweets.
Foreign to: Rudeness is foreign to his nature.
Forgetful of: He was forgetful of everything just before the competition.
Free (adj.) from (danger) of (tax), of (money); (verb) from, of: He is now free from danger. The goods arrived free of tax. He is free of his money (lavish). This medicine freed me from/of pain.
Frown on, at (a person) (to express displeasure): He frowned on or at the boys who created the trouble.
Fruitful in: His brain is fruitful in clever tricks.
Fruitless of: Your labour is fruitless of any gain.
Full of ; Filled with: The cup is full of (filled with) milk.
Glad of (help), at (success): I am glad of (i.e. for receiving) your help. I am glad at your success.
Glance at (an object), over (a subject): He just glanced (looked for an instant) at me and then went on with his work. Please glance over this letter.
Glory in: I glory (take pride) in your success.
Good for, at (subject): He is good for nothing. He is good at cricket.
Grateful to, for: I am grateful to his help.
Greed of, after (riches); Greed for (riches): He is not greedy of (or after) riches. He has no greed for riches.
Grieve at, for, about, over: I am grieved at (or for or about) the loss. I grieve for him; he has lost his son. He grieved over his dead friend.
Grumble from, against, over: He grumbles at or about his lot (complains). There is no use of grumbling over the past.
Guard from, against, over: He guarded me from (or against) their attack. You must guard against such mistake in your composition. He stood guard over the prisoner.
Guess at: He guessed at the truth. (Also without at)
Guilty of: He is guilty of theft.
Hang to, on, from: Hang it to or on or from a hook, or from the ceiling or to or on the wall.
Hanker after: I do not hanker after (have a strong desire) wealth.
Hatred of, for (a person), of (a thing): I have no hatred of or for him, or of that thing.
Hear of or about, from: I heard of or about you from him.
(Pay) Heed to: Pay heed (listen) to what I say.
Heedless of: I shall go, heedless (without caring) of effect.
Heir of (a person), to (a property): He is the heir of his uncle. He is the heir of his uncle’s property.
Hesitate at: He hesitates at nothing.
Hide (a thing) from (a person): I hide nothing from you.
Hinder from; Hindrance to: He was hindered form going. There is no hindrance to his going.
Hinge upon: The whole case hinges (depends) upon this point.
Hint at: I hinted at the coming trouble.
Hope of, for; Hopeful or Hopeless, of: I have no hope (n.) of or for success. I hope (v.) for success. I hopeful (or, hopeless) of success.
Hostile to: He is hostile (opposed) to my plan.
Hunt after, for, out: Don’t hunt after or for pleasure. They hunted out the tiger.
Hurtful (injurious) to: Smoking is hurtful to health.
Identical with: Your opinion is identical with (the same as) mine.
Ignorant of: Children are ignorant of the reality of life.
Ill with, of(fever), (go ill) with: He is ill with (or of) fever. It will go ill with you if you oppose me.
Immaterial to: This point is immaterial to our case.
Immersed in (plunged): He is immersed in debt.
Immune from, against,to: He is immune (secure) from (or against, or to) infection.
Impart to: Impart (give) the knowledge of the thing to him.
Impatient of, at, for: He is impatient (intolerant) of delay. I am impatient for payment (eager to get).
Implicated in: He is implicated (involved) in the plot.
Import into (a country) from (another): Watches are imported into India from Switzerland.
Impose on: The task was imposed on him (put). He tried to impose upon me (deceive).
Impress (a thing) upon (one’s mind), (a person or thing) with (a mark): I impressed the lesson upon him. I impressed him with the idea.
Impute to: Do not impute (ascribe) motives to him.
Incentive to: This reward will be an incentive to (serve to bring forth); greater exertion.
Inclination to, for: He has no inclination to (or for study).
Include in; Inclusive of: My name is included in the list. The price of food was Tk. 400, inclusive of service charges.
Inculcate (an idea) upon, in (one): He inculcated the idea upon or in my mind.
Indebted to,for: I am indebted to you for my success.
Independent of: He is independent of my help.
Indifferent to: He is indifferent to my interests.
Indignant with (a person) at (his conduct): He is indignant (angry) with me at my conduct.
Indispensable to: Your help is indispensable to me (absolutely necessary).
Indulge in, with (a thing given); Indulgent to: Do not indulge in wine. You indulge him with your support. He is indulgent to his son.
Infected with: This house infected with small pox.
Infer from: What do you infer from his reply (deduce)?
Infested with: This room is infested with rats.
Inflict (impose) on: A heavy fine was inflicted on me.
Influence with, over (a person), upon (his decision): I have no influence with or over him. His speech had a great influence upon my mind.
Influenced by: His decision was influenced by my advice.
Inform against (a person), of (a thing): He informed (complained to) the police against me. I informed him of it.
Infuse into: He infused (put) a new spirit into us.
Inherent in: This right is inherent in us.
Initiated into (taken in as member of a secret group): He was initiated into our party.
Innocent of: I am innocent of the charge.
Inquire of (a person) about, into (a matter): I inquired of (asked) him about the matter. He shall inquire into the matter.
Inquire for or after (a thing sought): He inquired for or after me.
Insensible to: He is insensible to all sense of shame.
Insist upon: He insists upon my doing this.
Inspire (a person) with (feeling) into, in (a person): His words inspired us with courage. His words inspired courage into or in us.
Instil into (infuse gradually): He instilled that idea into my mind.
Intent on: He is intent (determined) on going there.
Interest or Interested in: I take interest (or I am interested) in this matter.
Interfere with (a person or thing), in (matter): Do not interfere with me, or in my business. Pleasure must not be allowed to interfere with (be an obstacle to) business.
Intimate with (adj.), to (verb): I am intimate with him. Intimate to (inform) me the time of his arrival.
Introduce to (a person), into (a room): I introduced him to my brother, or into the family.
Intrude upon (a person, or his leisure), into (a place): Why did you intrude upon the family.
Invest with, in: He was invested with (given) full powers. He invested (deposited with) his all in the bank.
Invite to (a party): I invited him to a dinner.
Involved in: I am involved in debt.
Irritated at, by, with: He is irritated at this disappointment. He was irritated by being kept waiting so long. He was irritated with me for my silence.
Issue from: A bear issued form the forest. (came out)
Jealous of: He is jealous of my fame.
Jeer at: Do not jeer at (taunt) him.
Jest at: Do not jest at (make fun of) sacred thing.
Join (a thing) to (another); (one) with or to (another); with (one) in (a thing or game): Join this angle to that. The two families were joined with or to each other by marriage. England joined with France to fight against Germany. I join with you in your opposition to the bill. I shall join in your game (also without in).
Judge by: Do not judge a thing by its appearance.
Jump at (an offer), to (a conclusion), with (joy): He jumped at (readily accepted) the offer. Do not jump to (form hastily) a conclusion. He jumped with joy to see me.
Justification of, for: What is the justification of (or for) this conduct?
Key to: What is the key to the mystery?
Labour at (a work) under (a difficulty), for (a cause): He labored his work under great difficulties. He  labored hard for public good.
Lack of; Lacking in (a thing): I have no lack of friends. He is not lacking in politeness.
Lame of, in (one leg): He is lame of or in one leg.
Lament for or over: There is no use of lamenting for or over the past (Also without for or over).
Laugh at: Do not laugh at the dwarf.
Lavish (adj.) of (money), in (expenditure); Lavish (v.) (favour) upon: He is lavish of money, or in his expenditure. He lavished favours upon me.
Lean against, on, upon, to: He leaned against the wall for support. He leaned on his stick. I lean upon (depend) you for help. He leaned to my opinion.
Level (verb) (a gun) at, against (an object)(POD), (a house) with or to (the ground): The hunter leveled the gun at or against the tiger. The storm leveled the house with (or to) the ground.
Level (adj.) with: This surface is level with that.
Liable to (harm), for (an action): He is liable to (likely to get) punishment for neglecting his duties.
Libel on: The play is a libel on human nature.
Likeness to: I knew him by his likeness to his father.
Liking for: He has a liking for me.
Limited to: Invitation was limited to members only.
Live in, at (a place), on (a food), by (means), for (an ideal), within, beyond (one’s means): He lives at Dhaka or at Rampur. He lives on milk only. Everyone should live by honest means, and for a high ideal. His lives within (or beyond) his means.
Long for, after: Everybody longs (desires eagerly) for (or after) happiness.
Lost in (thought), to (sense of shame): He is lost (deeply absorbed) in thought. He is lost to (has nothing of ) all sense of shame.
Loyal to: He is loyal to his master.
Mad with, on or about or for or after: He is mad with anger. He is almost mad on/about/for/after the thing.
Martyr to: He died a martyr to liberty.
Marry (one person) to (another): Imran khan was married to Jemina.
Match (noun) for; (verb) with: He is no match for me. This colour matches (agrees with) that.
Meddle with, in: Do not meddle with this machine, or (interfere) in my affairs.
Meditate upon: He meditated upon (thought deeply over) the folly of his action.
Meet with (an accident): He has met with an accident.
Mindful of: Be mindful of your duties.
Mix in (society), with (a person), up, in: I shall not mix with you. He mixes in high life. He is mixed up (involved) in or with that plot.
Mourn for (the dead): We all mourn for him.
Moved by (entreaty), to (tears), at (a sight), with (pity): He was moved by my entreaty. He was moved to tears (or with pity) at the sight of my misery.
Murmur at, against: They murmur (complain in low tones) at their low wages. People are murmuring against the new tax.
Muse on: He mused (thought deeply) long on life’s changes.
Natural to: Such kindness is natural to him.
Necessity for, of, to: What is the necessity for this book? The general felt the necessity of surrender (or surrendering). This is a necessity to me.
(In) Need of,  (any or no) Need for: I am in need of money. Have you any (or no) need for money now?
Neglect of, in; Neglectful of, Negligent of, in: He was fined for neglecting of duty.
Opportunity for (action), of (doing): He had no opportunity of going there.
Oppose to: I opposed to the proposal.
Opposite to: His house is opposite to mine.
Opposition to: He offered strong opposition to the bill.
Originate with or from (a person) in or from (a thing): The idea originated with or from him. The fire originated in or from the kitchen.
Overwhelm with, at: He is overwhelmed with grief at his brother’s death.
Owe to: I owe (be indebted for) my all possessions to him.
Parallel to: This straight line is parallel to that.
Parody on or of (a poem): This is a parody on (or of) a poem of Milton (a composition in limitation of another to make others laugh at him ).
Part from, with (say good-bye to), with (give up): It is painful for a mother to part from (or with) her son. I cannot part with this book.
Partake of: Let us partake of some food (take a share).
Partial to; Partiality for: He is partial to his friend. He has no partiality for his friend.
Particular about: He is very particular about his health.
Passion for (strong enthusiasm): He has a passion for music.
Patient under (difficulties), of (suffering); Patience with: He is patient of his sufferings. Be patient under difficulties. He lost all patience with me.
(At) Peace with: I want to live at peace with you.
Peculiar to: That style of play is peculiar to him.
Penetrate through, into, to: The enemy penetrated through our lines into or to the village.
Penitent for: He is penitent for his faults.
Permit of: Your conduct permits of no excuse.
Persevere in: He persevered in his attempts.
Persist in: He persisted in disturbing me.
Pity for: Have pity for the poor.
Play at (a game), on (an instrument), with: They are playing at cricket. He is playing on a harp. I shall not play with you. He played with (treated insincerely) my feelings.
Plead with (a person) for or against (something): He pleaded with me for justice (or, against the wrong done to him).
Pleased with (a man), about (one’s conduct), at (before a gerund): I am pleased with him or about his conduct. I am pleased at finding him here.
Plunged in (thought), into (water): I found him plunged (engrossed) in thought. He plunged (divided) into the river.
Point out, at, to: Point out the mistakes here. He pointed his gun at. His speech pointed to some of our defects.
Polite in, to: He is polite in his manners (or to strangers).
Ponder on, over: Ponder well on, or over, my advice.
Poor in (spirit): Don’t be poor in spirit.
Popular with, for: He is popular with all for his goodness.
Possess by or with (the devil, an idea) of (wealth): He is possessed with or by tile idea and cannot give it up. He behaved as if he were possessed by or with the devil. He returned possessed of vast wealth.
Precaution against: Take precaution against cold.
Prefer (one) to another; Preferable to: I prefer (like better) health to wealth. Health is preferable to wealth.
Preference to, over, for (a thing): I give him preference to or over his brother. I have no preference for any of the candidates.
Prejudice against, Prejudicial to: I have no prejudice (bias) against intercaste marriage. Smoking is prejudicial (harmful) to health.
Prepare for, against (danger); Preparatory to: He is preparing for the examination the .Prepare against the coming danger. He is packing preparatory to departure.
Present (a thing) to (a person), (a person) with a (a thing): I presented the book to my sister. I presented my sister with the book.
Preside at, over: He presided at the table (or, over the meeting).
Pretend to: I do not pretend to high birth.
Pretext for: What is your pretext for opposing me?
Prevail on, with, over or against: I prevailed on (persuaded) him to go home. My argument did not prevail (prove effective) with him. I prevailed over (or, against) (overcame) all difficulties.
Prevent (one) from (going): I prevented him from going.
Previous to: Previous to (before) this job, he was a clerk in a buying house.
Prey to (greed): noun; He is a prey to greed.
Prey upon: verb; Anxiety preyed upon (exert wasteful influence upon) my mind.
Pride (n.) in; Pride (v.) (oneself) on; Proud of: He takes pride in or prides himself on his rank. He is proud of his rank.
Prior to: Prior to (before) that, he was a clerk.
Proceed with (a thug already begun), to (a new thing), from (the source) ,against: He did not look at me but proceeded with his work. He bade me good-by, and proceeded to work. Light and heat proceed from the sun. I shall proceed against you in a court.
Proficient in, at: He is proficient (strong) in or at music.
Profit by: We profit by experience.
Profitable to: This transaction is profitable to me.
Prohibit from: I prohibited him from going.
Prompt in (answer), at (figures): He is prompt in his answers. He is prompt at figures.
Prone to: He is prone to (inclined to something bad) idleness.
Proportionate to: Punishment should be proportionate to the offence. (or against) dangers. Take proper protection against cold.
Provide against (the evil day), for (children), (one) with (a thing): You must provide against evil days or for your children. I provide (supply) him with food (or, I provide food to him.)
Pry into (inspecting closely): I do not like prying into your secrets.
Qualified for: He is qualified for the post.
Quick at, of: He is quick at figures (or of) understanding (prompt).
Quarrel with (a person), about, for, over (a thing): They quarreled with one another about (or for, or, over) the house.
Ready at (figures), for (departure): The clerk is ready (quick) at figures. We are ready for departure.
Reason for (n.), with, about (v.): What is your reason for doing it? Don’t reason (reason) with me about that matter.
Rebel against: The soldiers rebelled against the king.
Reconcile with, to (enemy), to (an unpleasant situation): He is reconciled (reunited) with or to his friend. He has become reconciled to his lot.
Recover from: He has recovered from his illness.
Reduced to (poverty): He has been reduced to poverty.
Refer to,for: Refer the matter to him for inquiry.
Refrain from: I refrain from (do not make) any remark now.
Regard (noun) for: I have no regard (respect) for him.
(In or with) Regard to: In (or with) regard to that matter, I have nothing to say.
Regardful or Regardless of: He is regardful (or regardless) of the feelings of  others.
Rejoice in, at: No one rejoiced at (or in) their success more than she.
Relation of (one) to (another); between (the two): What is the relation of the moon to the tides? What relation is he to you. What is the relation between the moon and the tides?
Related to (a family);Relations with: I am related to him. This letter relates to that. My relations with him are good.
Relevant to: Your remark is not relevant (pertinent) to the point.
Relieve of, from: This will relieve you of or from pain.
Rely on: You may rely on my word.
Remarkable for: He is remarkable (noted) for his strength.
Remedy for (COD) (cure): There is no remedy for this disease.
Remind (one) of (a thing): I reminded him of his promise.
Render into: Render the passage into English.
Repent of; Repentance for: I repent of my rudeness. I feel repentance for my rudeness.
Replace (one thing) by, it with (another): Replace this old chair by a new one.
Reply to: I have sent a reply to his enquiry.
Repose (confidence) in (a person), in, on (a bed) on (a pillow): Repose ( place) confidence in God. He reposed (lay) in or on bed for some time. He reposed his head on a pillow.
Require (a thing) of (a person): I required a loan of him.
Resign (oneself) to: I resigned myself to fate.
Resolve into (factors), upon (determined): Resolve (analyse) the expression into factors. He is resolved upon going away.
Resort to: We must resort to (use) force to put them down.
Respect for: I have great respect for him.
(In) Respect of: He is senior to me in respect of service.
(With) Respect to: We had a talk with respect to (about) that matter.
Respectful to: He is respectful to his elders.
Respond to: Respond to the roll-call.
Responsible to (an authority) for (one’s action): I am responsible to the board for my action.
Rest with, upon: It rests (depends) with you to grant my prayer. Try to rest upon (rely on) your promise.
Restore to: Restore (give back) his property to him.
Restrict to: Admission was restricted only to the students having an A.
Result (noun) of (a test); (verb) from (a cause) in (a consequence): The result of the examination is out. Misery results from vice. Vice results in misery.
Retire from (business), into (loneliness), to (bed), on (pension): He retired from service on a pension. He retired into loneliness in his old age. Let us retire to bed.
Revenge on, for: He took revenge (or He revenged himself) on me for opposing him.
Reward (a man) with (something) for (service): He rewarded me with the post for my help to his boy.
Rich in: India is rich in minerals.
Rid of: Get rid of your bad habit.
Rob (a man) of (his money): The man robbed me of my all.
Sacred to (a god): This temple sacred to Lord Vishnu.
Sad at: He was sad at leaving school.
Save (adj.), Save (v.) from: He is safe from danger. I saved him from the danger.
Sanguine of (success): I am sanguine (hopeful) of success.
Satisfied with, of (the truth): I am satisfied with him (or his conduct). I am satisfied of the truth of what you say.
Satisfaction in, at, with: I find satisfaction in helping the poor. Great was his satisfaction at or with my result.
Search for; (In) Search of: We searched for it there. They are in search of him.
Secure against (attack), from (harm): The town is secured against attacks. His money is secured from robbers in a bank.
Seek for, after (a thing), of or from (a person): We sought for it there (also, without for). We all seek after happiness. We sought help of (or from) him.
Sensible of; Sensitive to: I am sensible of (aware) the risk I run. This instrument is very sensitive to cold.
Sentence to, for: Kader Mullah was sentenced to death for anti-human work during liberation war.
Shame at, for: I feel shame at or for your conduct.
Short of (fund): I am short of funds.
Sick (ill, tired) of, for (a thing): I am “sick of a fever”. I am sick of this idle life. I am sick for my home.
Side with: He sided with the Republicans just before the election.
Silent about, on (a thing): He is silent about or on that point.
Similar to: This is similar to that.
Similar in, of (one thing) with (another), between (two things): Point out the similarity of this thing with that (or, between the two things).
Sin against: You have sinned against God, and must suffer.
Sink in (mud), into (the sea), upon (the ground), under (a burden): He sank in mud up to the knees. The ship sank into the sea. He sank upon the ground quite exhausted. The horse sank under the heavy load put upon it.
(The) Slave of: He is the slave of his passions.
(A) Slave to: He is a slave to his passions.
Slow of (speech), at (figures), in (doing a thing): He is slow of speech, or at figures, or in making up his mind.
Slur on, over: This will put a slur (a blame) on his name. He slurred over his son’s faults (passed lightly over).
Smell of (wine) (verb): This glass smells of wine.
Smile at: He smiled at (greeted with a smile) me. He smiled (laughed) at your threat.
Smile upon: Fortune smiled upon (favoured) him at last.
Sneer at: Don’t sneer (smile to show disrespect) at the poor.
Snatch at: A drowning man snatches at a straw.
Sorry for: I am sorry for my mistake.
Speak with, to, about, for, of, on: I do not speak with him. I spoke to him about the matter. His conduct speaks well for him. He speaks highly of you. He spoke on the subject.
Spite (hatred and anger) against: He has a spite against me.
Stain upon, with, in: Your action is a stain (blot, spot) upon your character. The cloth was stained with ink. Stain the glass in blue.
Stare at (a person): He stared at me.
Start for, from (a place), at: He started for home from Dhaka. He started at (was started by) my sudden entrance.
Startle at : He was startled (surprised) at seeing the huge amount of bill.
Stick at (nothing), to (a thing): He sticks at nothing (will use every means) to gain his point. Stick to your point.
Strange to: This name is strange to me.
Stoop to: I cannot stoop to (lower myself) such meanness.
Subject (noun) of, for; (verb and adj.) to: What is the subject of or for enquiry? We were subjected to great hardships. We are subject to death.
Submit to: The rebels submitted to the king. (gave in)
Subordinate to: He is subordinate (lower in position) to me in service.
Subscribe to: (a fund): I shall subscribe to the fund. He subscribes to that project.
Subsequent to: This happened subsequent to (after) my departure.
Subsist on (a food): We subsist on rice (live by eating).
Substitute (one thing) for (another): Substitute single words for the following phrases.
Succeed to (a property), in (an object): He succeeded to (inherit) his father’s estates. Ricky Ponting succeeded to (came after) Steve Wough as the captain Australian Cricket team. He succeeded in his object.
Sufficient for: This amount is sufficient for our purpose.
Suffer from (fever), for (one’s misdeeds): I am suffering from malaria. You must suffer for your misdeeds.
Suitable to (one), to (an occasion): This house is not suitable for or to me. The speech was not suitable to the occasion.
Suit to, for: Your remark is not suited to the occasion. He was not suited for the post.
Supplement to: This volume is a supplement to that.
Supply (a person) with (a thing), (a thing) to (a person): He supplied us with food. He supplied food to us.
Sure of: I am sure of success.
Surprised at, by: I am surprised at or by your conduct.
Suspect of: I suspect him of treachery.
Suspicious of: He is suspicious of my motive.
Sympathy for, with: I have no sympathy for or with him.
Sympathise with, in: I sympathise with you in your misery.
Talk with, to, of, about, over: I was taking to or with jones about, for or over it.
Taste of (1): experience (noun and verb): I have had some taste of misery. Thou shall soon taste of death.
(2) To have the flavor of: This dish tastes of garlic.
Taste for (liking for): He has no taste for music.
Testify to: He testified to my honesty (bore witness).
Thankful to, for: I am thankful to you for your help.
Think of, about: What do you think of  or about him? He thinks of going away.
Think over: Think carefully over his advice.
Thirst for, after: We all thirst for or after happiness.
Tide over: He has tided over (overcome) the difficulty.
Tired of (waiting), by (a walk), or with (exertions): I am tired of waiting, or by the long walk, or with exertions.
Tolerant of: We must be tolerant of opposition.
Touch at (a place), upon (a subject), with (pity): This train does not touch at that station. He touched upon (referred to) the subject in his speech. He was touched (moved) with pity at my misery.
Treat with (a person), of (a subject), (one) to (a dinner): He treated well with me. This book treats of (discusses) music. He treated us to (gave us) a dinner.
Trembled with (fear): The child trembled with fear.
Triumphed over: He triumphed over his troubles (won).
True to: Be true to your word.
Trust (a thing) to (a person); (a person) with (a thing); Trust to (one’s judgment), in (God): You may trust (entrust) the work to me. Or, You may trust me with the work. I cannot trust to (rely on) his judgment. Trust in God.
Tyrannise over: He tyrannized over (oppressed) the people.
Unequal to: He is unequal to the task.
Uneasy about: I am uneasy about the effect of his action.
(In) Union with: They act in union with one another.
Unite with: I am now united with him.
United (married ) to: She is united in marriage to a celebrate.
Urge upon: We urged the point upon his consideration.
Use of; (any or no) Use for; (to be of)Use to (one) for: What is the use of this (or, of my going there)? Have you any use for it?
Useful to (a person) for (a purpose): This book is useful to or for students.
Vain of (dress): She is vain of her dress.
Vary from, (at) variance with: Your story varies (differs) from his. Your story is at variance with his.
Versed in: He is well versed (learned) in politics.
Vest (a power) in (a person), (a person) with (a power): That power was vested in me. I was vested with that power.
Vexed with (a person), for, at, (a thing): He is vexed with me for opposing him. He is vexed at my opposition.
Victim of: He was a victim of the earthquake disaster.
Victim to (folly): He died a victim to his own folly.
Vie with, in: They vied (competed) with one another in their eagerness to honour me.
(In) view of (with a) View to: In view of (considering) what you say, I pardon you this time. He came here with a view to getting my approval.
Void of (sense): Your remark is void of (without) any meaning.
Wait for (a person), at (a place), upon (attend on): We waited for you at the corner. I waited upon (attended) the guest.
Want of (noun); Want in: I have no want of money now. He is wanting in common sense.
Warn (a person) of (danger), against (a person or a thing or a doing): We warned him of his danger. I warned him against his neighbor (or gambling).
Weak of (understanding), in (mind): He is weak in mind and of intelligence.
Wink at: Do not wink at (ignore) your son’s faults.
Wish for: I do not wish for riches.
Witness against, for, to, of: The doctor will act as a witness against (or for) the defence. His clothes are a witness to his poverty. This man is a living witness of my loyalty.
Wonder at: We wondered at his ignorance.
Worthy of (favour): He is worthy of praise.
Yield to: The rebels yielded to the king (surrendered).
Zealous for, in: He is zealous (eager) for freedom. Be zealous in a good cause.
Zest for: I have no zest (interest) for the work now.


1.       Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions / prepositional phrases from the box.
convict of
sentence to
afraid of
believe in
agree on

Socrates was (a)______ blasphemy. The charge (b)______ him was quite false. The judges declared him guilty. He was (c)______ death. Later, the Athenians could realize their mistake. The truth was that the persons (d)______ power had grown (e)______ him. They were also (f)______ his popularity and his great love (g)______ people. In fact, Socrates was a victim (h)______ jealousy. He (i)______ oneness of God. He did not believe in Greek gods and goddesses. He was regular in prayers. He did not (j)______ this point that all men are equal.

Chemistry short suggestion for the ssc examination 2014

wcªq wkÿv_x©iv Avcbviv wbðqB GUv eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb †h, m„Rbkx†ji Rb¨ Avcwb Aa¨vq evQvB Ki‡Z cv‡ib, wKš‘ Aa¨vq †_‡K †e‡Q covi my‡hvM †bB| ïa...