20 December 2013

Parts of Sentence

Parts of Sentence
A sentence is a group of words giving a complete sense or meaning.
Ashraf is attentive to his studies. (a sentence)
His careful mother of her children is. (not a sentence)

Parts of a sentence:


                                       Subject                                                                                  Predicate

A word or a group of words denoting a person or a thing spoken about in a sentence is called its subject.
A word or a group of words which says something about the subject of a sentence is called its predicate.

Some examples:
a.       Birds
b.       Birds
fly in the sky.
c.       Some birds
don’t fly in the sky.
d.       Good boys
are always punctual.
e.       The little child
is sleeping.
f.        To err
is human.
g.       Our class captain
is a brilliant student.
h.       It
is terrible (Terrible!)
i.         You
have done well. (Well done!)


1.      Separate the subject and predicate in the following sentences.
a.       God is the Almighty.
b.       A blind man cannot see anything.
c.       Barking dogs seldom bite.
d.       Seven days make a week.
e.       Our heroic soldiers fought bravely against our enemies.
f.        The earth moves round the sun.
g.       Nature is the best physician.
h.       No man can serve two masters perfectly.
i.         A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
j.         All the members of our family went to the zoo.

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