23 December 2013

Chemistry short suggestion for the ssc examination 2014

wcªq wkÿv_x©iv Avcbviv wbðqB GUv eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb †h, m„Rbkx†ji Rb¨ Avcwb Aa¨vq evQvB Ki‡Z cv‡ib, wKš‘ Aa¨vq †_‡K †e‡Q covi my‡hvM †bB| ïaygvÎ weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœwU ev` w`‡Z cv‡ib| wb‡Pi †mU¸‡jv †_‡K Avcwb †h‡Kvb 4 †m‡Ui Rb¨ cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z cv‡ib| Avwg ej‡ev, 1, 13 I 14 Aa¨vq ev‡` me covi Rb¨| Gme Aa¨vq †_‡K ïay ˆbe¨©w³K co‡eb |
2q, 3q I 4_© Aa¨vq (1 †mU)
6ô I 7g Aa¨vq (1 †mU)
9g, 10g, 11Zg Aa¨vq (1 †mU)
12 Zg Aa¨vq (1 †mU)
13 Zg I 14 Zg Aa¨vq (1 †mU)
15 Aa¨vq (1 †mU)

20 December 2013

Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech
Every meaningful word of a sentence is a parts of speech.

Classification:  Parts of speech is classified into eight.
1.       Noun:  A noun is a naming word.
e. g. Sajib, Monti, Dhaka, Mymensingh and so on.
Mr. Sajib teaches us English.
2.       Pronoun:  A pronoun is a substitute (replacing) word of a noun.
e.g. I, we, you, he she, it, they, me, my, them, their, your, her, etc.
Nila reads a book.She is a student.
3.       Adjective : An adjective is a qualifying(modifying/adding new meaning)  word of a noun or a pronoun.
e.g.  bad, good, cold, ten, some.
Shyla is a beautiful girl.
4.       Verb: A verb is an action word/ a describing word of a sentence. Every sentence must have a verb.
e.g. do, run, play etc.
Susmita eats rice. I  shall give you a pen.
5.       Adverb: An adverb is a modifying word of an adjective or a verb or an  another adverb.
She is very beautiful girl. (modifies an adjective)
She walks  slowly. (modifies a verb)
She walks very slowly.(modifies an adverb)
6.       Preposition: A preposition is a connection expressing word. Preposition sits before a noun  or a noun equivalent word (pronoun/noun phrase/ noun clause)
e.g. on , in, to, with, by, for, between, among, before, after, along, beside, through etc.
Simanto reads in class ten.
7.       Conjunction: A conjunction is a joining word.
e.g. and, or, but, since, as, because, though, although, if, unless, etc.
The man is poor but honest.
8.       Interjection : An interjection is an emotion expression word.
e.g. hurrah, bravo, fie, alas, etc.

Let us take up two sentences for example.
Bangladesh    is          an  agricultural     country            and                     we            live          here           in
    noun           verb      adj.      adjective          noun      conjunction           pronoun    verb     adverb  preposition  

Hurrah!           Bangladesh      has won        the           match        and                   we               are          really
Interjection        noun                verb          adjective     noun   conjunction      pronoun     verb       adverb
Proud                      of                                 it.
adjective     preposition                  pronoun


1.      Name the parts of speech of the  following sentences.
The deer is a beautiful animal. Deer have white spots all over their brown bodies. Their horns are majestic. They feed on grass and leaves of trees. They are wild animals. They are found in the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and in some African countries. We also find them in most zoos. Some people keep them as pets.

Parts of Sentence

Parts of Sentence
A sentence is a group of words giving a complete sense or meaning.
Ashraf is attentive to his studies. (a sentence)
His careful mother of her children is. (not a sentence)

Parts of a sentence:


                                       Subject                                                                                  Predicate

A word or a group of words denoting a person or a thing spoken about in a sentence is called its subject.
A word or a group of words which says something about the subject of a sentence is called its predicate.

Some examples:
a.       Birds
b.       Birds
fly in the sky.
c.       Some birds
don’t fly in the sky.
d.       Good boys
are always punctual.
e.       The little child
is sleeping.
f.        To err
is human.
g.       Our class captain
is a brilliant student.
h.       It
is terrible (Terrible!)
i.         You
have done well. (Well done!)


1.      Separate the subject and predicate in the following sentences.
a.       God is the Almighty.
b.       A blind man cannot see anything.
c.       Barking dogs seldom bite.
d.       Seven days make a week.
e.       Our heroic soldiers fought bravely against our enemies.
f.        The earth moves round the sun.
g.       Nature is the best physician.
h.       No man can serve two masters perfectly.
i.         A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
j.         All the members of our family went to the zoo.

Chemistry short suggestion for the ssc examination 2014

wcªq wkÿv_x©iv Avcbviv wbðqB GUv eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb †h, m„Rbkx†ji Rb¨ Avcwb Aa¨vq evQvB Ki‡Z cv‡ib, wKš‘ Aa¨vq †_‡K †e‡Q covi my‡hvM †bB| ïa...